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AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter Pro 2.081

AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter Pro 2.081

Screenshots of AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter Pro

AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter Pro Publisher's Description

AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter Pro is a solution for people who need the DGN to CAD conversion capability, especially for the people who want to batch convert these DGN files in easy steps. AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter Pro is an easy-to-use and efficient converter, which converts DGN files in v7 and v8 formats into native AutoCAD DWG or DXF files with colors, fonts, layers, line styles, XREF, hatches preserved. There is no need to install AutoCAD or Miscrostation, just simply select your DGN files or file folder enclosed with DGN files, choose an output version of DWG or DXF (R14, 2000 ~ 2012), click on "convert" and you will get CAD drawings generated in one go. Batch command line supported, you can call this program in DOS command promote, run it silently.


1. Convert DGN to DWG;

2. Batch converts DGN to DWG, select files or even entire folder and sub folders;

3. Standalone application, no AutoCAD or MicroStation required;

4. Support AutoCAD DWG and DXF formats from R14 to 2012;

5. Support both MicroStation V8 DGN format.

There is no trial for Pro version.
We guarantee a high conversion quality and a fast processing speed of the Pro version, which will do an as excellent job as the regular version. Please download free trial of the regular version and see how it works. The difference between the Pro and the regular is the Batch conversion capability.

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Photo & Design > Image Convertors
This product is also listed in: System Tools


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